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CDN/CCPIT Trade Promotion and Exchange Center to Join LNU President Yu Miaojie in Issuing Assessment Report of RCEP’s Economic Effects

    Recently, the Trade Promotion and Exchange Center of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), together with Professor Yu Miaojie (a representative of the 14th National People's Congress, a member of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Liaoning Province, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and President of Liaoning University), released the Assessment Report of Economic Effect Made by RCEP. The original text and link are reprinted as follows:

    On August 30th, the CCPIT FTA expert thinktank was established, with the national RCEP service center exchange seminar being successfully held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. The conference was hosted by the Trade Promotion and Exchange Center of CCPIT, the CCPIT Shaanxi Sub-Council, and the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce; it was undertaken by the CCPIT Xi’an Sub-Council, the Xi 'an Bureau of Commerce, the Konggang Xincheng Administrative Committee of Xixian New District, the Development Reform and Commerce Bureau of Xixian New District, and the CCPIT Shaanxi Coordination Center. The conference was attended and given speeches by Yu Jianlong, Vice President of CCPIT; Liu Ping, former Director of Customs and Trade Department of World Customs Organization; and Wang Yunlin, Party Secretary of the CCPIT Shaanxi Sub-Council.



    With its theme of Gathering Intelligence and Building Consensus to Promote an Effective Opening to the Outside World, the conference focused on strengthening the construction of application-oriented thinktanks for FTA, building an institutionalized exchange platform, promoting the sharing and exchanges of experience among FTA and RCEP service centers across the country, and promoting the high-quality implementation of FTAs (such as RCEP) in order to better serve and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern.



    In his speech, Yu Jianlong noted how the conference fully implemented the working ideals of CCPIT: to enhance the viability of China's industrial and commercial communities in participating with national economic governance, thereby strengthening the construction of application-oriented thinktanks in the new era. By doing so, they will further play a guiding role in the national trade promotion agencies, allowing all local departments to strengthen their experience in sharing and stimulating innovative vitality. In this new era of moving to a new developmental stage, CCPIT will actively undertake new historical missions as well as study, publicize and implement FTA, making greater contributions to the vigorous development of China's economic and trade undertakings and international economic cooperation.



    Next, Liu Ping stressed that the key to the successful implementation of the RCEP trade agreement on goods lies in an understanding and application of tariff preferences and their rules of origin. As China's promotion of RECP is unprecedented, CCPIT, being a professional visa service organization, enthusiastically promotes the publicizing and application of FTA and plays an important role in the implementation of RCEP and the national free-trade zone strategy. The CCPIT/FTA expert thinktank established at today's conference, Liu emphasized, will further improve the ability and level of theoretical and practical research in China's FTA field, thus serving China's FTA strategy to play an integral role.



    In his speech, Wang Yunlin pointed out that Shaanxi was an important location in the Belt and Road Initiative and a frontier in China's opening to the West. In the past decade, the deep integration of BRI and RCEP has infused new momentum for Shaanxi's high-level opening up, bringing new opportunities for economic and trade cooperation between other nations and Shaanxi. CCPIT’s Shaanxi Sub-Council is willing to accurately work in line with the rules of the RCEP agreement through their activities, helping enterprises share policy dividends and development opportunities while strengthening Shaanxi to achieve high-quality development with a high level of openness.



    In his keynote speech session, Yan Yun, Director of the Trade Promotion Center of CCPIT, made a detailed introduction of CCPIT. Under the theme of Promoting the Implementation of a High-Quality National Free Trade Zone Strategy by Giving Full Play to the Unique Role of Trade and Investment Promotion Institutions, Yan shared in detail the promotional development process of CCPIT's free trade agreement, from its early days to the gradual enrichment in terms of basic functions, comprehensive business system, and high-quality development. Zhang Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Konggang Xincheng Administrative Committee in Xixian New District, stressed in his speech that Konggang Xincheng will aim to strongly implement the new strategies of the Air Silk Road by integrating itself into the RCEP market and constantly leading the double cycle of open development by planting an airport power source, strengthening a batch of new kinetic energies, cultivating an airport industrial chain, and building a new aviation city.





    The conference held an establishment ceremony for the CCPIT/FTA expert thinktank, with letters of appointment being issued for newly-hired experts. Naming four newly-added local FTA service centers, Yu Jianlong, Vice President of CCPIT, awarded licenses to the CCPIT councils in Huzhou, Liuzhou, Xiangtan, and Zhoushan. The CCPIT Trade Promotion and Exchange Center joined Liaoning University President Yu Miaojie to issue their Assessment Report of Economic Effect Made by RCEP. The National RCEP Service Center and the FTA Service Centers of CCPIT jointly launched the Xi 'an Initiative to Help RCEP Take Effect with High Quality. In addition, the Trade Promotion and Exchange Center of CCPIT signed strategic cooperation agreements with the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Deloitte China, and the Konggang Xincheng Administrative Committee of Xixian New District in Shaanxi Province.



    During the conference, two plenary meetings were held: namely, the inaugural meeting of the CCPIT/FTA expert thinktank and the national RCEP service center exchange seminar. Keynote speeches were given by Tu Xinquan, Dean of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics; Liu Wen, Chief Professor of Free Trade Zone Research Institute of Shandong University; Chai Zhanxiang, Assistant President of Automobile Industry Branch of CCPIT; Han Ying, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Trade Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.; Shan Yingji, Executive Dean of Shaanxi Think Tank Science and Technology Research Institute; Liu Bin, Researcher of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics; and other experts and representatives from consulting institutions. In addition, representatives of local trade-promotion agencies from Zhejiang, Guangdong, Weihai, and Liuzhou also shared their experience on the topic of Innovative Measures from FTA Service Centers to Help RCEP and Other Free-Trade Agreements Come Into High-Quality Effect. Wei Qing, Deputy Director of the Department of International Economic and Trade Relations of the Ministry of Commerce, also attended the conference and delivered a speech.



    The conference was attended by more than 150 representatives, experts, and scholars from various government departments, enterprises, including more than 80 national FTA and RCEP service centers. It was widely publicized by prominent media, including Xinhua Net, CHINANET, CPPCC Network, China Development Network, China Daily, and China Economic Times.   

    In the future, CCPIT’s Trade Promotion and Exchange Center will work to further weave the network of serving enterprises, to expand its circle of international friends, to enhance its strategies for bettering service to the national free-trade zones, to aid China's free-trade agreements in playing an integral role, and to promote the high-quality implementation of free-trade agreements like RCEP.    

