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Awards and Honors


  1. Excellent achievement in the general program conclusion of the National Natural Science Fund (No.71573006), 2022

  2. Springer Nature: China New Development Awards, 2021

  3. The major program of the National Natural Science Fund under the guidance of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC (No.20ZDA050, Trade Diversification), 2020

  4. The second prize of the 8th Scientific Research Achievement Award in Higher Institution of the Ministry of Education (both papers in Chinese and in English won the prize), 2020

  5. The important author whose works have been reprinted by a great many of people in periodical literatures reprinted by China People’s University, 2020

  6. The National Talent Program of the Ministry of Education, 2019

  7. Excellent Achievement on mid-term review of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2019

  8. Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist, 2018

  9. Research Award of the 12th An Zijie International Trade Award (the work had won the second prize, while the first prize was vacant), 2018

  10. Excellent Paper awarded by the Chinese Young Economist, 2018

  11. Outstanding Translator awarded by Hua Zhang Publisher, 2018

  12. The Best Paper Award of the Frontier of Economics in China, 2018

  13. Work was selected in the recommended topics list of the Chinese Academic Translation Project of the Social Science Fund of China,2018

  14. One of the papers was selected as the Top Ten Best Papers in English in the area of international trade and global economics of The Yearbook of World Economy, 2017

  15. One of the papers was selected as the Top Ten Best Papers in Chinese in the area of international trade of The Yearbook of World Economy, 2017

  16. Peking University Boya professor, 2017

  17. The 7th Wu Yuzhang Outstanding Achievement Award in Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017

  18. The 13rd Outstanding Achievement Award in Humanities and Social Sciences of Peking University, 2017

  19. Two papers were selected as the 2016 Best Chinese Papers in the area of global finance and international investment of The Yearbook of World Economy, 2017

  20. The second prize of the 14th Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award, 2017

    Responsible person of the key project in the National Social Science Fund(No. 16AZD003), (“Research on Enterprise Innovation, Total Factor Productivity Improvement and Quality Upgrading”), 2016

  21. The 19th An Zijie International Trade Award in China (Prize Paper Award), 2016

  22. The 6th Zhang Peigang Economics of Development Award, 2016

  23. NG Teng Fong / Sino Scholarship for Outstanding Youth Award, 2016

  24. Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No.71625007, International Trade and Chinese Economic Development), 2016

  25. Royal Economic Society Prize, 2016

  26. The National Talent Program of the Ministry of Education, 2016

  27. Two papers were selected as the 2014 Best Papers in Chinese in the area of global macro-economics of The Yearbook of World Economy, 2016

  28. The 7th National Business Development Research Award, 2015

  29. Leader of the major project of the key research base in humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education in 2015(“Product Quality, Organizational Performance and International Trade Research”, No. 15JJD780001), 2015

  30. Nomination Award of the 7th “Hu Sheng Young Academic Award”, 2015

  31. Responsible person of the general program under the Management Science Department of the National Natural Science Fund (No.71573006), 2015

  32. The 2nd LIU Shibai Economic Science Prize in China (Best Book Award), 2014

  33. The 18th An Zijie International Trade Award in China (Best Paper Award), 2014

  34. The Distinguished Working Performance Award on Humanities and Social Science research of Peking University (2014--2015)

  35. Research on “going out” strategy of Chinese Enterprises, “the 13th Five-Year Plan” Key project carried out by the Counsellors’ Office of the State Council, 2014

  36. The second prize of the 12nd Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award in Peking University, 2013

  37. The 16th An Zijie International Trade Research Award in China (the second prize of excellent book), 2010

  38. Responsible person for the project reach youth under the Management Science Department of the National Natural Science Fund (No.71003010), 2010

  39. Supported by the Sumitomo Foundation of Japan,2010

  40. Responsible person for the sub project of the 2009 National Social Science Fund major program (No.09&ZD020), 2009

  41. The 15th An Zijie International Trade Research Award in China (the second prize of excellent paper), 2008

  42. Supported by the 10th Tong Shan Education Fund of Peking University, 2008

  43. Supported by the co-constructed program of Beijing Education Committee, 2007

  44. Humanities Research Award of University of California, Davis, 2004

  45. Teaching:

  46. Dual Circulation of Chinese Economy is selected as outstanding course among the training materials for national cadres of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, 2022

  47. Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award (the Second Prize), 2022

  48. Chief Editor of the “Chinese Open Economics”, the first batch of Chinese Economics Textbook published by the Ministry of Education, 2021

  49. Supported by the construction project of teaching materials for undergraduate students of Peking University, 2020

  50. The undergraduates’ teaching textbook “International Trade: Theory, Policy and Evidence” won the Excellent Teaching Material Award of Peking University, 2018

  51. Cao Fengqi Finance Teaching Excellence Award of Peking University, 2016

  52. Teaching Excellence Award of Peking University (2012-2013), 2013

  53. Supported by Peking University teaching material construction project, 2011

  54. The second prize winner of the 9th Teaching Demonstration Competition for Young Teachers in Peking University, 2010

  55. Supported by the postgraduates’ key course construction project in Peking University, 2009

  56. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, 2005


  57. Party representative of the National Development Institute at the 14th Congress of Peking University of the CPC, 2022

  58. Honorary Village Head in Mu Zhang Village Committee, NiuJie Village, Ni Du County, Yunnan Province, 2021

  59. Inspection team leader of the seventh round of inspection of the Peking University Party Committee, 2020

  60. Peking University special training on learning and implementing the guidance of the National Education Conference, 2018

  61. Party representative of the National Development Institute at the 13th Congress of Peking University of the CPC, 2017

  62. The 44th Training Class for Cadres in Peking University, 2017

  63. Outstanding Party Affairs Worker of Peking University, 2017

  64. Overseas Training and Researching Program for Cadres of Peking University (Europe), 2016

  65. Seminar for young Chang Jiang scholars (Yan’an), 2016

  66. Graduation of the Demonstrative Training Class for young teachers who are Party members in higher education institutions nationwide (Jing Gangshan), 2015

  67. The 4th Young and Middle-aged Backbone Teachers’ Workshop graduation of Peking University, 2013