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Dedicated to Drawing Up High-Quality Development Blueprint

Professor YU Miaojie, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and president of Liaoning University interviewed by China City News


According to the report delivered at the opening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we should stick to the theme of promoting high-quality development, integrate the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply-side structural reform, enhance the internal driving force and reliability of the domestic circulation, and raise the quality and level of international circulation. China will step up to develop modernized economy, raise total factor productivity, make industrial and supply chains more resilient and secure, and promote integrated urban-rural development and coordinated regional development, so as to effectively upgrade and appropriately expand economic output.

The delegates to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China expressed that high-quality development will remain the theme for China’s economic and social development in the 14th Five-Year Plan period and beyond, and it concerns the overall situation of the country’s socialist modernization drive. When embarking on the new stage of development, we should deepen the understanding of new development philosophy, and take accurate measures to faithfully realize high-quality development. 

The report delivered at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China noted that high-quality development is the top priority of building a socialist country in all respects.

“High-quality development underscored in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which means in the new development stage, efforts should be made to apply the new development philosophy, foster a new development paradigm and promote high-quality development, has already become a programmatic orientation in guiding China’s economic development. Under the them of promoting high-quality development, it is of great importance to understand how to push forward urban development,” said Yu Miaojie, president of Liaoning University, also a member of economic and trade policy advisory committee of Ministry of Commerce, when interviewed by China City News.

“China’s path to modernization” is one of the keywords in the report. To realize the coordinated development is one of important aspects in China’s path to modernization. Plus, coordination is also an important part of the Five New Development Concepts. Coordinated development in urbanization needs to answer a question about how to realize industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics (referred to as New Four Modernizations). Industrialization and urbanization shall be developed in an coordinated and well-balanced manner so as to pursue high-quality development, he added. 

Taking the coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization for example, Yu Miaojie noted, if industrialization develops too fast while urbanization left far behind, the shortage of labor force will emerge and no one is willing to seek jobs in cities in the coastal part of East China or other countries. The rapid development of  industrialization needs labor force, so labor force shortage can result in wage upsurge of local enterprises. This is not conducive to sustainable development due to increasing cost and dropping profit.  

On the other hand, it is also unbalanced if urbanization develops too fast while industrialization left behind in some countries and regions. A large number of people will spill into cities to work but hard to find vacancies. This means only the coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization can realize high-quality development, said Yu.

Specifically speaking, how to make the coordinated development come true? Yu Miaojie pointed out, the Party and the State in recent years have made plenty of policy measures over urbanization, especially underlining to promote urbanization on the basis of urban agglomeration. For example, from the earliest five urban agglomeration, Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing City Cluster and the Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, to second-tier city-based clusters highlighted in recent years, including Mid-Southern Liaoning Urban Agglomeration, Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration and Central Plain City Cluster, more efforts have been made to motivate all sectors and pool limited resources so as to push forward development of urban agglomerations and produce a combined effect. Thus, these urban agglomerations provide driving force for the development of their surrounding cities and towns.

“However, when socioeconomic development reaches to a certain level, small and medium-sized cities and small towns become more important. This year’s Report on the Work of the Government highly emphasized that steady steps will be taken to develop city clusters and metropolitan areas, and to promote coordinated development of cities of different sizes and small towns. Strict standards will be applied in the re-designation of counties as cities or city districts. It signifies county -level economy is still of great importance,” said YU.  

Also, Professor YU Miaojie mentioned that China has steadily remained the world’s second largest economy with the economic growth in recent year, gradually shifted from being a follower to being a leader and aligned itself with global standards such as capital, labor force, land and talents. Currently entering a new stage of institutional opening-up, China needs to become a forerunner with regard to rules, regulations, management and standards so as to deeply integrate into and restructure international economic framework.


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