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Yu Miaojie and Tian Wei Jointly Author English-language Monograph Input Trade Liberalization in China

Professor Yu Miaojie, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University, and Professor Tian Wei, a tenured-associate professor at Peking University's School of Economics, have recently written a new book titled Input Trade Liberalization in China. The book has been published and distributed by Springer, a world-renowned publisher of scientific and technical books.


The book focuses on input trade liberalization in China and discusses the underlying causes and profound effects of Chinese enterprises facing import liberalization of intermediate input. The content comprises ten chapters. Its analysis mainly uses academic research, but with additional policy study. Most chapters in this book apply the standard method of contemporary economic systems, integrating into the most advanced economic theories of international trade. The authors use theoretical models to obtain predictions which receive empirical support and carry out strict empirical research using data from China's manufacturing enterprises and China's customs to analyze the causes which affect Chinese enterprises facing import liberalization of intermediate input after China’s reform and opening-up.

The suggested readership would be the public who are willing to understand the issues closely related to China’s input trade liberalization and opening-up policy, and basic knowledge in economics would be necessary in understanding the academic research of the book. Also, the book is specifically compelling to businesses and policy makers in that it enables deeper understanding of outward foreign investment of enterprises and China’s opening-up policy, thus facilitating their decision-making processes.

The book’s introduction notes that Professor Miaojie Yu is Boya Chair Professor and Deputy Dean of National School of Development (NSD), Peking University. He is a scholar selected in the national talent program of Ministry of Education of China and is awarded China’s National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He is the world's top 1% of highly cited economists in economics and management. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and 22 books in English and Chinese and won the Royal Economic Society prize (2015).

About the authors



Professor Yu Miao Jie is a deputy of the National People's Congress, member of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, and the deputy secretary of the CPC Committee and President at Liaoning University. He is a distinguished professor specially appointed for national talent programs, recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, an outstanding young scientist from Beijing, and a distinguished professor at Peking University (Boya Program). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Davis. He is an economist whose work is among the top 1% of highly cited papers in the field of global economic management. He serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Liaoning University and Japanese Studies, executive editor-in-chief of International Trade and Journal of Chang' an University, and associate editor of Review of International Economics. His main research areas include international trade and China's economic development. He has published over 180 papers in top-tier journals at home and abroad, such as the Economic Journal, Review of Economics & Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Economic Research, and Management World. He has authored 26 books in both Chinese and English. His research on China’s economic development has won awards including the Royal Economic Society Award of the United Kingdom, the Wu Yuzhang Humanities and Social Sciences Award, the Zhang Peigang Development Economics Award, the An Zijie International Trade Research Award, and the Liaoning Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Award.


Professor Tian Wei is a tenured-associate professor at the School of Economics of Peking University and deputy director of the Department of International Economics and Trade. She focuses her research on trade liberalization, import and export enterprises, and foreign direct investments, among others. Her research papers have been published in national and international academic journals such as the Economic Journal, the World Economy, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Economic Research, Management World and The World Economy. Her research achievements have earned her awards such as the An Zijie International Trade Research Award.


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