Skip to main content Interviews Yu Miaojie on Adhering to High-level Openness

On July 25, interviewed Professor Yu Miaojie, a deputy of the National People's Congress, a fellow of the International Economic Association, and the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of Liaoning University. The original text is now reproduced as follows:

On July 25, reporters Cheng Qi and Bai Kelin reported that on the occasion of the hundred day countdown to the opening of the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) and Hongqiao International Economic Forum (Hongqiao Forum), the 7th Hongqiao Forum Theme Issue Release and Interpretation Conference was successfully held. The event is hosted by the Secretariat of Hongqiao Forum, organized by Hongqiao Forum Research Center, supported by Bank of China, and broadcasted live on Xinhua News Agency.



Theme of Hongqiao Forum: Adhering to High Level Openness

Yu Zirong, the head of the Hongqiao Forum Research Center, officially issued the theme and sub forum topics of the 7th Hongqiao Forum. The core theme of the Hongqiao Forum is "Global Openness", and the theme of the 7th Hongqiao Forum is "Adhering to High Level Openness, Jointly Promoting Inclusive Economic Globalization". The main forum (China International Import Expo and Hongqiao Forum Opening Ceremony) and "1+4" sub forums will be held, namely the publishing of "World Open Report 2024" and international seminar (releasing the latest World Open Index) and four sub forums: "Open Development", "Open Cooperation", "Open Innovation", and "Open Sharing".

The topics include industrial development and sustainable urban construction, sustainable trade under climate change, global southern sustainable development and China Africa cooperation, high-level financial openness, WTO 30th anniversary theme, industrial chain and supply chain cooperation, intellectual property protection, international standard cooperation, drug safety governance, artificial intelligence, new energy storage, new energy vehicles, digital finance, consumption, globalization and youth development, silver economy, high-level opening-up in Pudong, and development of Hongqiao International Open Hub. At the same time, closed door meetings such as "Development of US funded Enterprises in China" and special promotion activities for the "Invest in China" pilot free trade zone will be held.

The optimized Hongqiao Forum information System will be released at the same time.

The warm-up of this event released the brightened dot of the 7th CIIE & HQF GALA (CIIE & HQF GALA) at the opening ceremony of the CIIE and Hongqiao Forum. This year, the CIIE & HQF GALA will continue to be held before the opening ceremony and will further provide quality services. The first is to promote contact meetings. The secretariat of the Hongqiao Forum will release the information of the guests participating in the opening ceremony in a timely manner to help communicate with each other; it will also collect the meeting needs of some heavyweight guests in advance to help coordinate contacts. The second is to introduce media exchanges. Mainstream media are invited to participate on the spot, using appointment interviews and random on-site interviews to interact with heavyweight guests and increase exposure. There will be a digital host to guide the event and provide photo services. Third, it is convenient to make independent appointments. Upgrade the forum information system, develop a mobile terminal, and launch interactive functions, including guest attention, message dialogue, mutual business cards, and appointment meetings.



The event also released an optimized Hongqiao Forum information system, which integrates registration, information query, guest interaction, on-site guidance and other functions. It has been launched and tested in the CIIE APP.

Experts and scholars provide forward-looking interpretations of thematic issues.

Well-known scholars at home and abroad, executives of member companies made forward-looking interpretations of the theme topics of the 7th Hongqiao Forum around “The opening up and development of the world”. The interpretation seminar was hosted by Liu Zihua of Xinhua, Einar Tangen, a well-known American current affairs commentator and senior researcher at Taihe Institute, Yu Miaojie, President of Liaoning University, Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, Li Qingdu, Executive Dean of the Institute of Machine Intelligence, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Li Qingdu, Diamond member of the Hongqiao Forum, Vice President of the Shanghai Branch of Bank of China, Zhang Xinyuan, a columnist for Shanghai Daily and the main founder of the Financial Media Studio Xie Anlei and Alexander Bushroe participated in the seminar.

Regarding the theme of the Seventh Forum, Yu Miaojie said that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee proposed to “advocate an equal and orderly world multipolarization, inclusive and inclusive economic globalization”, in which China plays an irreplaceable role, and China's new pattern of full opening up has injected new momentum into the development of the world economy; the theme of the Seventh Hongqiao Forum fits the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, and is more in line with the historical trend of world multi-polarization and economic globalization.

Regarding the interpretation of specific topics, Li Qingdu believes that artificial intelligence will play a greater role in industries such as factories, hospitals, home care, and hotel services within 5 to 10 years, penetrating into various levels of society, improving production efficiency, and enhancing human life; Zhang Xinyuan shared three cases to illustrate how financial openness can help promote the high-quality development of the world economy and the Chinese economy. He mentioned that in the context of international trade settlement, digital RMB and currency bridges will play an important role; Xie Anlei proposed that new quality productivity can promote innovation, and innovation contributes to high-quality, sustainable, and inclusive economic development, improving people's quality of life. China is a global leader in innovation, which not only contributes to global development but also benefits all mankind.

Regarding the role of the Hongqiao Forum platform, Einar Tangen and Wang Wen believe that China's openness has been consistent. The Hongqiao Forum not only promotes economic and trade exchanges, but also conveys positive energy of openness and development to the world; We look forward to the 7th Hongqiao Forum further promoting the concept of openness, sharing development opportunities, bringing more wisdom and inspiration to the world, inspiring global common development, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

This interpretation session also invites a special guest, a humanoid robot developed by University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, as the invited audience to participate in the interpretation session and share their experience; In the interactive Q&A session, it asked its manufacturer Professor Li Qingdu questions and exchanged ideas on issues such as the future of robots.