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Delegation Led by President Yu Miaojie Visits Turan University in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan was the first country to respond to the ‘the Belt and Road’ initiative proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. From the start, Kazakhstan has firmly supported and actively participated in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s call for a healthy, stable, and vibrant Sino-Kazakhstan relationship, one conductive to the development and revitalization of both countries, as well as supporting regional peace and stability.

This year, 2023, marks the tenth anniversary of the ‘the Belt and Road’ initiative. To implement its core concepts, to create a new frontier for Liaoning's opening up, to deeply integrate "Belt and Road" initiative construction, and to implement the relevant deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Liaoning University has actively opened up cooperation and exchange channels with Chinese embassies and consulates in Kazakhstan, Kazakh universities, and scientific research institutes.

From October 17 to 21, 2023, Professor Yu Miaojie, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and President of the University, Professor Ma Shuang, Director of the International Exchanges Department, Professor Cui Zheng, Executive Vice Dean of the China Open Economy Research Institute, and Dr. Yin Ruyu, a young researcher, visited Kazakhstan.

On October 18, the delegation visited the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Almaty, where they were warmly received by Consul General Jiang Wei. Yu Miaojie introduced the development of Liaoning University and the mission of the visit to universities in Kazakhstan He emphasized that Liaoning University attaches great importance to cooperation with universities in the ‘the Belt and Road’ countries and has made great efforts to open up to the north. Yu Maiojie also stated that collaborating with research institutes in Central Asian countries represents a ‘blank for our school to fill in’, adding that the visit was an opportunity to establish a fruitful cooperative relationship and produce good results.

Consul General Jiang Wei introduced the overall political, social, and economic situation of Kazakhstan, emphasizing the country's current policy focus on education and that it was a timely period for the development of Sino-Kazakhstan relations. She added her belief that cooperation between Liaoning University and universities in Kazakhstan would be smooth, and that the Consulate General would provide necessary support and assistance to Liaoning University.

Turan University was established in 1992 in Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. It is one of the top ten outstanding universities in Kazakhstan. Kuanshi Tazabekov, the first vice president of Turan University received Yu Miaojie and his delegation. Yu Miaojie introduced the basic status of Liaoning University and the construction of the ‘Double First Class Discipline’ in applied economics to Turan University. He also provided many suggestions for future cooperation between the two parties. Vice President Kuanshi Tazabekov introduced the history of Turan University and its cooperation with Chinese universities. He stated his willingness to forge academic ties with Liaoning University, assist in the construction of academic research levels of the two universities, and to making contributions to educational cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.

During the visit, the delegation met and carried out academic discussions with Vice President in charge of academic affairs, Leila Tusubova, Vice President in charge of society and education, Natalia Grasimova, Vice President in charge of strategic development, science and innovation, Dina Lazakova, Dean of the School of Economics, Tamara Muhamediyaro Valevina, Dean of the Doctoral Graduate School, Goha Nietarina, and Dean of STEM Business School, Ahadhon Nazmitdinov Saya Primkulova, Director of the International Cooperation Department.

During the visit, President Yu Miaojie and the First Vice President of Turan University in Kazakhstan, Kuanshi Tazabekov, signed a letter of intent for cooperation between the two universities.