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Regional Innovation and Coordinated Development Symposium Held at Liaoning University

On 24 Sept, LNU’s Economics School and Economic Review Editorial Department jointly held Regional Innovation and Coordinated Development Symposium & the 17th Economic ReviewWorkshop in Shenyang. Professor Yu Miaojie, deputy secretary of the CPC Committee, president, also director of Economics Faculty of Liaoning University, and Professor Ye Chusheng, chief editor of Economic Review, co-director of Economy Development Research Center of Wuhan University, a key research base of humanities and social sciences of Ministry of Education, respectively addressed the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Li Zheng, dean of School of Economics , LNU.

Professor Yu Miaojie noted that the country is in the crucial period for starting the building of a modern socialist country in all respects, the world today is undergoing accelerating changes unseen in a century, and a new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation is advancing rapidly. Following the principles of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must bear in mind the new stage of development, apply the new development philosophy, build a new development landscape and promote high-quality development so as to make new breakthroughs in regional innovation and coordinated development and push forward Northeastern rejuvenation in all respects. The upcoming 20th CPC National Congress is a conference of great significance, at this crucial moment when embarking on the new journey to build China into a modern socialist nation in all respects. The conference will lay out goals, tasks, and major policies for developing the cause of the Party and the country in the next five years or even longer periods to come, which are pivotal to the further development of the Party and the country's cause, the future of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the realization of national rejuvenation. Professor Yu hoped all participants in this symposium continue to support for LNU’s “Double First-Class” initiative, fully carry out discussions and share opinions so as to promote friendship and academic accomplishment.


 Professor Ye Chusheng introduced the original aspiration of Economic Review and its remarkable development in recent years. Economic Review carried out exploration and innovation over workshop, young scholars forum, manuscript review and academic journal salon. Plus, this journal made full use of new media to publicize outstanding academic output, and invited authors of academic papers to compile and publish “Stories Behind the Papers”.

During the keynote report period, Dean Zheng Jianghuai, School of Economics of Nanjing University, from the complementary perspective of regional technology, delivered a report over innovative development and income disparity among regions. Dean Zhao Xindong, School of Statistics shared opinions about if raising education level helpful to overcome middle-income trap by the comparison of countries at different income levels. Associate Professor Wang Yong, vice dean in academic affairs, Institute of New Structural Economics of Peking University, gave a report over vertical structure and macro function of State-owned enterprises. Professor Li Zheng, dean of School of Economics, Liaoning University discussed about high-quality development path of Northeastern and Northwestern economy under the principles of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialist Economy with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Professor He Jun, vice dean of School of Economics, Liaoning University, hosted keynote report part of the symposium.

In the sub-forum, totally 24 scholars shared academic papers around issues, such as digital economy energization and industrial development, income distribution and talents employment, economic factors guarantee and high-quality development, integration of information and industrialization and green development, industrial structure and optimized upgrade, three rural issues and common prosperity. Deputy Chief Editor Wang Min of China Economic Quarterly, Deputy Chief Editor Zheng Shilin of The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Deputy Chief Editor Yang Wandong, Economic Theory and Business Management, Director Wang Yanmei, editorial department of China Industrial Economics, Associate Director Song Zhigang, edditorial department of The Journal of World Economy, Director Wang Naihe, editorial department of Nankai Economic Studies, and Director Wei Xuping, editorial department of Contemporary Economic Research made in-depth comments with multi-perspective. Professor Li Nan from Fudan University, Professor Li Rong from Renmin University of China, Professor Li Zheng from Liaoning University respectively addressed the closing ceremony. 




During the symposium, School of Economics of Liaoning University held its first Periodical&Scholar Salon, which was hosted by Professor Zhang Danning, School of Economics, Liaoning University. Professor Zheng Jianghuai, deputy chief editor of Nanjing Business Review, Deputy Chief Editor Peng Shuang of Economic Review, Deputy Chief Editor Fang Honglin of Study & Exploration, Director Liu Yajun, editorial department of Social Science Front, Deputy Director Du Lei, editorial office of Economic Review Journal Press, Editor Tian Hua in charge of economics of Social Science Journal had face-to-face discussions and exchanges with attendees over research frontiers and academic norms, etc.

The symposium invited 15 important academic journals, including China Industrial EconomicsThe Journal of World EconomyThe Journal of Quantitative & Technical EconomicsChina Economic Quarterly, as the supporting agency. Editors of the journals aforementioned and over 100 experts and scholars from 16 universities, including Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-sen University, Jilin University, Lanzhou University and Liaoning University, participated in the symposium and workshop.