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Prof. YU Miaojie Participates in the Project Closing Meeting of “Research on the Impact of RCEP Implementation on Guangdong Province’s Economic Development and Countermeasures” and the RCEP Seminar

Recently, the Project Closing Meeting of “Research on the Impact of RCEP Implementation on Guangdong Province’s Economic Development and Countermeasures” and the RCEP Seminar was successfully held. Prof. Yu Miaojie, President of Liaoning University, was invited to the meeting. In the expert comment session, he commented on the project report and shared his view on RCEP. The original text and links are as follows:


On September 15, 2022, the project closing meeting of “Research on the Impact of RCEP Implementation on Guangdong Province’s Economic Development and Countermeasures” and the RCEP seminar was held online. The conference was hosted by the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the National Global Strategy Think Tank of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and organized by the International Trade Research Office of the Institute of World Economics and Politics.

 “Research on the Impact of RCEP Implementation on Guangdong Province’s Economic Development and Countermeasures” is a project undertaken by the International Trade Team of the Institute of World Economics and Political Science entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance. The project was lead by researcher Dong Yan, Director of the International Trade Research Office. The results of the project are presented in full research reports and abbreviated policy reports. In the process of project research, it has received strong guidance from the leaders of the Department of International Economic Relations and the Department of Customs of the Ministry of Finance. In order to solicit opinions on the project research report and discuss about RCEP, the International Trade Team of the Institute of World Economics and Political Science hosted the meeting. Researcher Zhang Yuyan, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, and Chief Expert of the National Global Strategy Think Tank, and Deputy Director Chen Guohuang, member of the Party Group of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance addressed the meeting. Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Prof. Zou Zhibo and Prof. Dong Yan hosted the meeting. In the expert comment and discussion session, Professor Yu Miaojie, President of Liaoning University, Professor Wang Xiaohong, Deputy Director of Scientific Research Information Department of China International Economic Exchange Center, Researcher Shen Minghui, Deputy Dean of Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Prof. Cui Fan from School of International Economics and Trade of University of International Business and Economics commented on the project report respectively and shared their views on RCEP. Zhou Zheng, Director of the International Department of the Ministry of Finance’s Customs Department, and Qin Yuexing, Director of the International Economic Research Department of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Finance, expressed their views on the project report and the implementation of RCEP.

In her speech, Director Zhang Yuyan welcomed all the guests to the conference, expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Finance and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance for their strong support, and said that the Institute of World Economics and Political Science will continue to support the research teams in conducting research cooperation with government departments and local governments. On behalf of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance, Deputy Director Chen Guohuang, highly appreciated the value of the project report and believed that it was a beneficial exploration of the central and local levels to coordinate the implementation of major decisions and deployments of the central government. Guangdong Province actively promotes the implementation of RCEP, which can provide models and practical experience for other parts of the country. Deputy Director Zou Zhibo believes that under the current complex international situation, RCEP can play a role in maintaining multilateral economic order and promoting China’s local economic growth. This seminar will help deepen the understanding of RCEP. Director Zhou Zheng believes that this report combines qualitative and quantitative analysis, is systematic and innovative, and is the first report from the perspective of local finance. Director Qin Yuexing believes that the report has a high political position, and that the cooperation between the research group and the Ministry of Finance and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance has achieved remarkable results.

Researcher Dong Yan thanked the leaders and experts for their strong support for this meeting when hosting the expert comments and seminars. Prof. Yu Miaojie spoke highly of the breadth of research horizons, the depth of topic analysis and the reliability of data. At the same time, Prof. Yu also expressed his views on the prospect of China joining the CPTPP and Guangdong taking the lead in development through reforms. Prof. Wang Xiaohong believes that the project report is in line with the actual situation of Guangdong’s economic development, the research at the macro level is accurate and standardized, and the policies at the micro level are also operational. She also gave advises to RCEP in promoting digital trade, cross-border e-commerce, service outsourcing, and supply chain system. Researcher Shen Minghui believes that the research report has a reasonable structure and high quality. He commented on the main topics involved in the report, and stated that the innovations in RCEP rules are conducive to breaking the “spaghetti bowl” effect caused by trade agreements. Prof. Cui Fan said that the report analyzed the effect of RCEP on local economic development from four aspects: tariff reduction, rules of origin, opening of service trade and business environment. His analysis is logically clear in theory and structured in content. Then he discussed the problems existing in the handling of RCEP rules of origin in the special customs supervision area.

The meeting was concluded by Ni Yueju, a researcher from the Institute of World Economics and Political Science, and Yu Wanbing, Director of the International Financial Cooperation Office of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance. They expressed their gratitude to the leading experts for their full affirmation of the project report, and looked forward to further cooperation. Researcher Su Qingyi made a project report on behalf of the project team.


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